Category Archives: Green

Shooting with Ilaria and Valeria

Welcome back! today i want to show you an “old” shooting made with my two friends Ilaria, the model, and Valeria, the photographer. We just wanted to have some fun with colors and as you can see we did! 🙂

Shooting with Ilaria and Valeria

Welcome back! today i want to show you an “old” shooting made with my two friends Ilaria, the model, and Valeria, the photographer. We just wanted to have some fun with colors and as you can see we did! 🙂

Gradients, gradients everywhere!!!

That’s right! nowadays everything is made with gradients and ombrè effects… from the hair to my grandma’s pj… so, why not trying it onto my nails?? 😀 I really really love this design and the effect it makes even from

Gradients, gradients everywhere!!!

That’s right! nowadays everything is made with gradients and ombrè effects… from the hair to my grandma’s pj… so, why not trying it onto my nails?? 😀 I really really love this design and the effect it makes even from

Random Graphic Nail Art

Random style design! I actually don’t know what inspired me this time, it can be a japan-ish snowy spring theme maybe ahah dunno…  I was just trying some patterns, but it turned out interesting and i kept it 🙂 So,

Random Graphic Nail Art

Random style design! I actually don’t know what inspired me this time, it can be a japan-ish snowy spring theme maybe ahah dunno…  I was just trying some patterns, but it turned out interesting and i kept it 🙂 So,

Striped Mani

New Design! This is not the first time i try to make vertical striped nails, i actually like them a lot cause it gives a twist to normal nails but without being “heavy” and actually with some color combination, such

Striped Mani

New Design! This is not the first time i try to make vertical striped nails, i actually like them a lot cause it gives a twist to normal nails but without being “heavy” and actually with some color combination, such

Xmas has arrived at NothingGirly!

Xmas nails in here too! yep this is what i was wearing for the christmas celebrations, i took inspiration once again from the beatiful blog of Nailside and i tried to replicate one of her designs. I wanted to recreate

Xmas has arrived at NothingGirly!

Xmas nails in here too! yep this is what i was wearing for the christmas celebrations, i took inspiration once again from the beatiful blog of Nailside and i tried to replicate one of her designs. I wanted to recreate


Unghie per il party di KILL THE ARTIST!!! Ho voluto fare qualcosa di “pazzerello” per quest’occasione e quindi ho scelto gli arcobaleni!! Ed ovviamente avevo un makeup in accordo col tema! ahah! Stavolta sono venute abbastanza carine, le unghiette… almeno


Unghie per il party di KILL THE ARTIST!!! Ho voluto fare qualcosa di “pazzerello” per quest’occasione e quindi ho scelto gli arcobaleni!! Ed ovviamente avevo un makeup in accordo col tema! ahah! Stavolta sono venute abbastanza carine, le unghiette… almeno

Mint Makeup

Makeup Post this time! I made this makeup saturday and i wanted to try to show you guys, what do you think? in between sober and dramatic maybe… I used Kiko aquamarina coloursphere eyeshadow, some greens from my zoeva matte

Mint Makeup

Makeup Post this time! I made this makeup saturday and i wanted to try to show you guys, what do you think? in between sober and dramatic maybe… I used Kiko aquamarina coloursphere eyeshadow, some greens from my zoeva matte

Acid Stripes

Ciao!! Ok non è un design nuovissimo questo ma volevo veramente provarlo con i miei nuovi smalti di H&M “blue my mind” e “i’m not a kiwi” i nomi sono fantastici ahaha!!! Mi piacerebbe prendere in considerazioni requests, sono nuova

Acid Stripes

Ciao!! Ok non è un design nuovissimo questo ma volevo veramente provarlo con i miei nuovi smalti di H&M “blue my mind” e “i’m not a kiwi” i nomi sono fantastici ahaha!!! Mi piacerebbe prendere in considerazioni requests, sono nuova

Green and Pink Water Marble

Lo so, sono delle foto veramente brutte e sfocate ma mi sto sforzando per trovare una nuova macchina e per far smettere di piovere così avrò un po’ più di luce! 😀 Comunque volevo farvi vedere un nuovo design fatto

Green and Pink Water Marble

Lo so, sono delle foto veramente brutte e sfocate ma mi sto sforzando per trovare una nuova macchina e per far smettere di piovere così avrò un po’ più di luce! 😀 Comunque volevo farvi vedere un nuovo design fatto