Category Archives: Pink

Shooting with Ilaria and Valeria

Welcome back! today i want to show you an “old” shooting made with my two friends Ilaria, the model, and Valeria, the photographer. We just wanted to have some fun with colors and as you can see we did! 🙂

Shooting with Ilaria and Valeria

Welcome back! today i want to show you an “old” shooting made with my two friends Ilaria, the model, and Valeria, the photographer. We just wanted to have some fun with colors and as you can see we did! 🙂

Pink clouds nails

Shocking pink! very very quick post about an old design i made, i just wanted to show you guys the first attempt on making “clouds” heheheh, even before the xmas one 🙂 this is a very simple yet interesting design

Pink clouds nails

Shocking pink! very very quick post about an old design i made, i just wanted to show you guys the first attempt on making “clouds” heheheh, even before the xmas one 🙂 this is a very simple yet interesting design

Santa’s makeup

Sorry for being so late but… here it is my santa’s makeup! XD i’ve been so busy these last weeks that i haven’t got the time yet to prepare so many old things to upload!!! but i’ll manage!! this was

Santa’s makeup

Sorry for being so late but… here it is my santa’s makeup! XD i’ve been so busy these last weeks that i haven’t got the time yet to prepare so many old things to upload!!! but i’ll manage!! this was


Unghie per il party di KILL THE ARTIST!!! Ho voluto fare qualcosa di “pazzerello” per quest’occasione e quindi ho scelto gli arcobaleni!! Ed ovviamente avevo un makeup in accordo col tema! ahah! Stavolta sono venute abbastanza carine, le unghiette… almeno


Unghie per il party di KILL THE ARTIST!!! Ho voluto fare qualcosa di “pazzerello” per quest’occasione e quindi ho scelto gli arcobaleni!! Ed ovviamente avevo un makeup in accordo col tema! ahah! Stavolta sono venute abbastanza carine, le unghiette… almeno

Green and Pink Water Marble

Lo so, sono delle foto veramente brutte e sfocate ma mi sto sforzando per trovare una nuova macchina e per far smettere di piovere così avrò un po’ più di luce! 😀 Comunque volevo farvi vedere un nuovo design fatto

Green and Pink Water Marble

Lo so, sono delle foto veramente brutte e sfocate ma mi sto sforzando per trovare una nuova macchina e per far smettere di piovere così avrò un po’ più di luce! 😀 Comunque volevo farvi vedere un nuovo design fatto

Gradient Pink

Ok, this was a real experiment guys… i just bought my first fan brush and i wanted to experiment with some gradients… 🙂 i already had my AA pink on, which i love, so i chose a random white to

Gradient Pink

Ok, this was a real experiment guys… i just bought my first fan brush and i wanted to experiment with some gradients… 🙂 i already had my AA pink on, which i love, so i chose a random white to